Fatty Fish

Regular consumption of these fish can significantly boost your intake of this essential nutrient.

Cod Liver Oil

Among the most potent sources of Vitamin D, cod liver oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and serves as a concentrated supplement for this vital nutrient.

Egg Yolks

While both parts of an egg contain Vitamin D, the yolk is particularly abundant in this nutrient. Incorporating eggs into your diet can notably contribute to your Vitamin D intake.

Fortified  Foods

Various foods like fortified milk, orange juice, cereals, and yogurt are enriched with Vitamin D, offering accessible options for enhancing your daily intake.


Certain types of mushrooms, especially those exposed to ultraviolet light during growth, contain decent levels of Vitamin D.


Certain tofu brands are fortified with Vitamin D, providing a plant-based option for individuals adhering to vegetarian or vegan diets.


Certain tofu brands are fortified with Vitamin D, providing a plant-based option for individuals adhering to vegetarian or vegan diets.

Beef Liver

Organ meats like beef liver can provide substantial amounts of Vitamin D, alongside other essential nutrients.


While not exceptionally high in Vitamin D, some cheeses can still contribute to your daily intake when consumed regularly.


These small fish are rich not only in omega-3 fatty acids but also offer a noteworthy amount of Vitamin D.

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