Are you unknowingly inviting trouble for your heart? Let's decode the culprits—foods silently elevating your cholesterol levels.

Processed Meats

Sausages, bacon, and deli meats—convenient but often loaded with hidden fats that hike up cholesterol.

Tread Carefully with Butters

Both butter and margarine can cloak your meals in cholesterol-raising elements if overindulged.

Fast Food Temptations

Burgers, fries, and fried chicken, while tempting, can wreak havoc on cholesterol levels due to their unhealthy fat content.

Dairy Dilemma

Full-fat cheese, milk, and ice cream—indulgent but potentially heart-harming. Opt for lower-fat alternatives.

Egg Yolk Caution

Moderation is key with egg yolks, as they contain cholesterol that can impact your levels.

Beware of Baked Goods

Pastries, muffins, and cakes often house trans fats, contributing to cholesterol woes.

Coconut Oil Controversy

Despite its popularity, coconut oil can add to your saturated fat intake, affecting cholesterol.

Snack Wisely

Despite its popularity, coconut oil can add to your saturated fat intake, affecting cholesterol.

Red Meat Reality

Despite its popularity, coconut oil can add to your saturated fat intake, affecting cholesterol.

Top 7 Iron-rich Foods for Heavy Periods